Sexy Mathematics
Photo Credit: Theresa Ma

Sexy Mathematics – Five Questions With

Synth-Rock Group Sexy Mathematics Share Self-Titled Album feat. Despondent Focus Track “Responsory”

In life, we find that the beauty of connection is often shadowed by the pain of loss, and the enduring nature of love is contrasted by the fleeting moments of existence. This duality – the interplay of light and darkness – is at the heart of Sexy Mathematics. Chris Daviduik (guitar, vocals, songwriting) and Matt Aggus (drums) have forged a unique musical bond over the years. Originally formed in 2009, the band began as a synth-rock group known for their intense, emotive soundscapes. Over time, their music has evolved, mirroring the complexity of the world around them and their own growth as artists.

The band’s new self-titled album, Sexy Mathematics, is a testament to their evolution. It delves into themes of personal relationships, loneliness, despair, existential crises, and anxiety about an uncertain future. This record represents a significant leap for the band, who decided to hire producer Stephen Krecklo and mixer Jordon Zadorozny to elevate their music to new heights. The result is a compelling blend of their rock foundations and modern digital synthesizers, creating a rich, atmospheric sound that is both intricate and powerful.

Largely influenced by The Cure’s “Lovesong,” the lyrics of “Responsory,” Sexy Mathematics’ focus track, are a reflection of the resentment we can feel having to share societal with those we disagree with, or even hate, while at the same time being unable to truly express ourselves, even to those we hold dearest. No matter how close or far apart we are, there’s always a barrier to understanding one another. Each generation lives through these problems eventually passing the burden on to the next generation without any fulfilling resolution. Even in the face of existential burdens like climate change, the cycle continues.

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi, I’m Chris Daviduik and I play guitar, sing vocals, and write songs for my band Sexy Mathematics.

Tell us a bit about your recent release.

It’s our strongest album to date, representing a significant leap forward in our songwriting, performance, and production quality. When Matt joined as our drummer, we dedicated a lot of time to refining the band’s sound. We didn’t want to just write some alternative rock or new wave pop songs, but something that spans those genres, and this album showcases the hard work we put in to achieve that.

How do you typically go about the songwriting process? Do you have a specific method or creative routine that you follow?

I took a few different approaches to these songs. Especially You started as a guitar riff, Disappearer as a synth melody in Ableton Live, and with When Isometrics Collide I wrote the lyrics first, although that’s less common. Typically I’ll jam with my guitar until I find a riff I like, but occasionally I’ll have a complete song idea in my head that I try to capture. Either way, the song doesn’t truly begin for me until I layer a few parts and see what emerges. Sometimes it turns out better than expected, other times sometimes worse, so you just have to keep writing until you have enough songs that resonate—either with myself or others.

Looking ahead, what are your plans for supporting this new release? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or additional content that fans can look forward to in connection with this project?

Unfortunately, Matt dislocated his shoulder so we won’t be able to perform immediately, but that’s what we’ll be looking at next once he’s recovered.

Looking back on your musical career, is there a particular moment or accomplishment that you consider a turning point or a highlight?

Moving to Toronto and getting to perform in iconic venues like Lee’s Palace and at NXNE are big highlights for me. I’m more of a forward-thinking person though, so right now I’m excited about this album, and what will come next.

Last but not least, it’s time to pay it forward, what upcoming band or artist would you recommend your fans check out?

Yes, Waxlimbs! They have a great set of songs with an impressive theatrical live show that I encourage everyone to check out.

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