Photo Credit: Jake Dibley

Havelin – Five Questions With

Havelin Shares Forlorn Singer-Songwriter Track, “Rodeo Clown,” Reflecting on Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics

Havelin, also known as Alex Zaichkowski, is an acclaimed (unofficially) singer-songwriter (allegedly) whose passion for music began at a young age and will continue until his untimely demise (which will likely come at the hands of some great warrior or foul beast…or, more likely, slipping on a banana peel). The Alberta-born Zaichkowski has been described as “a real pleasure” to listen to by Shania Twain one time (a thing which actually happened, there’s proof). His songs weave rich narratives into pleasant melodies, while his storytelling strives to unpack complex emotions in a way that is both uniquely personal and heart-wrenchingly universal.

Five to six years of getting kicked around by life’s ups and downs culminated in Havelin almost hanging up his hat as a songwriter, until a fortuitous spark of creativity struck him while driving by a rodeo grounds in his home province of Alberta.

That moment birthed “Rodeo Clown,” a forlorn and melodic reflection on toxic relationships in all their forms: business, platonic, and romantic. Its plaintive organ, guitar, and piano provide the backdrop to an earnest song that speaks of Havelin’s inner turmoil when feeling the need to perform a role within these unhealthy dynamics.

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey, I’m Havelin. I write songs and stuff, and I’m based out of Toronto.   

Tell us a bit about your most recent release.

“Rodeo Clown” is a glutton for punishment anthem. It’s a song about being trapped in a toxic dynamic- whether that be in love, in friendship, or in work- and the strange and complicated combination of feelings that can bring about. 

How do you typically go about the songwriting process? Do you have a specific method or creative routine that you follow?

For me it’s always a bit neurotic, I think. Usually, I’ll happen upon a good lyric or thematic idea, then I’ll spend a few days ruminating on it and once I figure out what I want to say I’ll sit down and lock myself in a room until I knock out the song on an acoustic guitar or piano. I don’t stop tinkering with it until I’ve got a first verse, pre chorus, and chorus, editing as I go, and if I don’t like it at that stage it goes in the bin. Then I usually leave it for a few days, come back to it with fresh eyes, and finish the rest. The only thing I leave out is the bridge- I couldn’t tell you why but I prefer to write those once I take the song into the studio. 

Looking ahead, what are your plans for supporting this new release? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or additional content that fans can look forward to in connection with this project? 

-This upcoming record is entirely self-funded and independent, so to be completely honest resources are a bit scarce. I’d like to do a music video or tour, and I am looking into booking a smaller tour- but it’ll be entirely dependent on how things go. Do expect lots of bizarre and interesting smaller content to come with it though! 

Looking back on your musical career, is there a particular moment or accomplishment that you consider a turning point or a highlight?

There have been a lot of really great shows and interactions with fans that I’ll cherish forever, but the most recent turning point for me was getting the final cuts back on the songs for my new record. This album has been a long time coming, and it means a lot to me to finally have it finished. Before I started writing it I thought I’d give up music… and now here we are. I’m really excited to share it with y’all.  

Last but not least, it’s time to pay it forward, what upcoming band or artist would you recommend your fans check out?

Really dig Charli Adams, had the privilege of seeing her live a few years back, really fantastic songwriting. Paul Woida’s another good one, I know him from my hometown- great guy and an absolute artist with a loop pedal. 

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