Zach's Picks 856

Zach’s Picks of the Week – AUGUST 19 TO AUGUST 24, 2024

Well, you know, we are back once again with the best music on the Internet! Welcome back to Canadian Beats, home of Zach’s Picks of the Week. These are hand-picked articles that were posted on our website last week. I took my favourites and I decided to feature them here for you and your friends to enjoy and share! Like I said, these are just my personal favourites so you don’t have to take my work for it. You can go explore the rest of our website, chock full of awesome content every day. Find us and all of your favourite social media platforms and stay up-to-date with all things awesome in the Canadian music scene and around the world. I say around the world because we do have one international bonus recommendation feature this week. They could be from anywhere in the world and were featured on our Canadian Beats Passport section of the page. However, that’s enough explaining for now. Let’s get right into the new music here with number five kicking it off!


This will be the introduction to the Toronto-based group, The Neighbourhood Watch. They’re a story-driven blend of folk, indie rock whose latest release is available across all streaming platforms now. Off their LP, Spoke Like Summer is truly the kind of lush, romantic, string arrangement that you don’t get enough of these days. Inspired by the feeling of falling in love after coming out of a dark place and the joy of building a future with someone. Check out this incredible song here.


Coming up next is Sudbury-based intrepid prog act called The Wring. They’re thrilled to reveal their latest single, “The Sword” from the upcoming album Nemesis. Find it across all your favourite streaming platforms, via. WormHoleDeath Records. The new single is an intense sonic journey that combines relentless guitar riffs with dynamic shifts in tempo. It’s a taste of what’s to come on The Wring’s fourth album. So be sure to keep an eye out for it when it comes out, but the article for the new single. You can find it here.


Our next recommendation will be the rock and roll band from Vancouver, MADARR AND THE KINDHEARTED. They have unveiled and released their latest single, “Reflection” from their album Love Won. The track presents the band’s unique combination of reflective lyrics and captivating soulful bluesy melodies, taking listeners on a heartwarming musical journey. You can check out the official music video and learn more about MADARR AND THE KINDHEARTED here.


Runner-up for the top spot will consist of Kingston, Ontario post-punk powerhouse, The Meringues. Their latest single came out on August 14th and it’s called “Royalty.” You can go find it now across all streaming platforms, this will be coming off of their eagerly anticipated sophomore album. Pavlova’s Dog will be released to the public on September 16th of this year. So keep an eye out for it when it drops, but the official music video is linked in our article here.

BONUS: Canadian Beats Passport

Joining us this week as our international artist, we have Anaheim California renowned singer-songwriter Bobbo Byrnes. Recently has released the highly anticipated self-titled album, which is an introspective and emotionally charged work of art. It encapsulates the challenges and triumphs he faced during the creation of the record. This album marks a significant milestone in Byrnes’ illustrious career, showing his resilience and dedication to his craft. If you want to hear this beautiful record, you should check out the article we have featured on Canadian Beats Passport right here.


My final recommendation for you is going to be Vancouver’s Daniel Lew, whose new record Destiny, along with the latest single, “Let The Angels Shine.” They are available across all streaming sites that you like to check out music on. The singer-songwriter has had a profound mission to uplift, since his transformative moment that took place a decade ago, when he lost hearing in his left ear and developed tinnitus. Faced with this challenge, this unexpected turn steered him towards music. Igniting an unyielding passion that now defines his life and shines bright. We have a Five Questions With segment within our article with my number one recommendation, Daniel Lew here.

Those are gonna be all of the awesome new articles that I wanted to feature this week. Please be sure to go explore the rest of our website though, because there is so much more to see. Photo coverage of your favourite concerts, interviews with artists from everywhere. Canadian Beats Media is surely the place for all your musical needs. follow us on all of our social media platforms and mine are linked down below as well.  So please share all the new music that you got this week or have discovered on your own. I will be back next week with another list of the best music around. So I hope you tune in and bring your friends along. My name is Zach and you have just checked out my pics of the week. Be sure to spread the love and positivity in our world and as always. PEACE, LOVE AND GOOD MUSIC EVERYONE!!