Garrett Gregory
Photo Supplied by Black Mountain Music & Media

Garrett Gregory – Five Questions With

Garrett Gregory Shares New Single, “Flip Off”

Breakout country artist Garrett Gregory takes the listener to a whole new level of entertained.

When he’s not on stage singing his heart out, you can find him volunteering at the SPCA or singing to his own two cats at home. Don’t be fooled though, this vocal shredding cat dad puts his own spin on what he likes about country music and then rubs it in dirt.

“Flip Off” is a riveting country song that defies convention and pushes the boundaries of rock. With raw, edgy vocals and electrifying instrumentation, this track embodies the spirit of rebellion and independence.

It’s a powerful break-up song for those who stand tall in the face of adversity, with a message that rings loud and clear: Don’t let anyone push you around.

First off care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey! My name is Garrett Gregory and I’m from the home of Nickelback Hanna Alberta! It’s a small town of about 2500 people and there’s not much to do, so we have to make our own fun, and for lots of us, that’s music! Been playing music since I was 14 in a rock band, so I get lots of my influence from that.

Tell us a bit about your recent release.

Flip off was a very unexpected song that just kinda happened! We had a bunch of people talking about how so many areas of our lives are just riddled with big players taking advantage of the underdogs and we’re all just tired of it! Basically we wanted to airmail a big “flip off” in the form of an international release!

How do you typically go about the songwriting process? Do you have a specific method or creative routine that you follow?

Usually, I tend to write on my own as the inspiration process can hit at the most random of times. 4 am when I’m dead asleep, mid-day at my 9-5, even in the green room at shows. When it strikes it strikes hard and I need to get my ideas down. It can sometimes take 30 minutes or it can sometimes take 30 days for me to finish the melody and lyrics. This one was different. Beau and I just started hammering lyrics and melody down as soon as the light bulb came on and the song truly wrote itself!

Looking ahead, what are your plans for supporting this new release? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or additional content that fans can look forward to in connection with this project?

We’re playing a ton of festivals in Alberta and BC this summer including stampede, BVJ, and Fredfest, so we’ll definitely be flippin’ the bird at all those! I have 5 other songs that are completed as well that are ready to roll, so we might be releasing a few of those to keep that momentum up, but nothing specifically tied to this song other than a power company chose it for their ad! Sponsor energy uses it in their commercial because it fits so well with the theme! Pretty wild!

Looking back on your musical career, is there a particular moment or accomplishment that you consider a turning point or a highlight?

Every single show we play gets better and better. The band itself, the fans, the venues; it all just continues to push us forward to where we want to be. BVJ last year was a huge eye-opener. Having ten thousand people sing your song back to you really just takes your breath away.

Last but not least, it’s time to pay it forward, what upcoming band or artist would you recommend your fans check out?

The Prairie States and El Mule are two of the hardest working bands out there. They’re extremely talented and amazing people, so if you get the chance to see them, do it!

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