Mike Evin
Photo Credit: Dustin Rabin

Mike Evin – Five Questions With

Singer-Songwriter Mike Evin Shares “Dancing To Sir Duke,” a Celebratory Ode to Music’s Healing Power

For over 15 years, with his heart on his sleeve, Mike Evin has been writing immediate and disarming piano-pop songs with adventurous melodies that live inside you. Joyful new single, “Dancing To Sir Duke,” encapsulates the wide-eyed spirit of his music and comes in tandem with the announcement of his 7th album, Something Stirs When You Sing, out August 23rd. 

Produced by Chris Stringer (Timber Timbre, Abigail Lapell), “Dancing To Sir Duke” is vibrant, soul-infused, and chock full of handclaps and doo-wop vocals. The song is inspired by his childhood days discovering music on his Fisher Price record player. 

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey, Canadian Beaters! I’m Mike Evin, an indie piano-pop singer-songwriter based out of Toronto, born and raised in Montreal. Over the last 20 years, I’ve released 6 LP’s, and 2 EP’s and I’ll soon release my new full-length. My music is full of heart-on-sleeve storytelling and a diverse range of musical influences. 

Tell us a bit about your most recent release.

“Dancing To Sir Duke” is the 3rd single from my upcoming 7th full-length album, Something Stirs When You Sing, which will come out on August 23rd. The song is joyful and I’ve also heard it’s a major ear-worm. It’s got some soul, some gospel, some Elton John, and some doo-wop. The title references the Stevie Wonder song “Sir Duke”, and the whole thing is inspired by memories of discovering music as a kid through my 45’s and Fisher Price record player. It’s about the need to reconnect with the feeling I had when I was first getting into music, and how music is integral to making me feel alive. 

Chris Stringer (Abigail Lapell, Rose Cousins) produced it, and we recorded my piano and vocal performance live-off-the-floor on the legendary grand piano at Union Sound in Toronto.  

How do you typically go about the songwriting process? Do you have a specific method or creative routine that you follow?

When I’m getting serious about writing songs for a new project, I’ll get into a daily rhythm of writing – whether I feel like it or not. I’m a big believer in exercising the creative muscles so that they’re in good shape once inspiration hits. And often the more in shape they are, the more often inspiration comes. So I’ll try to bang out a song in every sitting, and I’ll make sure to finish it, even if I think it’s bad. Because finishing a song will set me up better for the next song. 

Songs can start in a variety of ways, but often I get inspired by a lyrical idea I want to express. And that might lead to a title or a chorus, and then the song has its own spirit that begins to guide the process. 

Looking ahead, what are your plans for supporting this new release? Are there any upcoming tours, music videos, or additional content that fans can look forward to in connection with this project? 

I just released a fun music video for “Dancing To Sir Duke” featuring my own air-piano playing security detail. You should check it out! I’ll be releasing another single or two before the album comes out in August, and there will be more music videos. And then in the Fall and into 2025, I’ll be touring a bunch to promote the album. So check out my website and socials for show details. I’d love for you to come to a show! 

The vinyl for the album looks and sounds fantastic! Pretty soon I’ll share the pre-order for that.

Looking back on your musical career, is there a particular moment or accomplishment that you consider a turning point or a highlight?

Back in 2017, I was the opening act for Barenaked Ladies during a series of theatre shows in the US. I must say, I got to feel quite at home on a stage in front of 2500 people in a beautiful theatre. It gave me the confidence to know that I could put on a high-quality show in a top-notch venue, and there was something about hearing my voice reverberate in the big rooms that were affirming. It was a great “I can do this” moment. 

Last but not least, it’s time to pay it forward, what upcoming band or artist would you recommend your fans check out?

My pal Ryan Stotland is a Montreal-based folk singer-songwriter with a very quirky and honest sensibility. His songs often address unconventional song topics like psychology, science, economics, and Larry David’s daughter. Very disarming and minimal stuff. He’s very prolific, so check him out! Here’s a good one: https://youtu.be/VAt92zzFMoo?si=tSDwzuQNFwp9DNi2

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