Photo credit: Average Cowgirl

AJA releases new single, “Find Better” (Interview)

AJA Shares Her Soulful New Single, “Find Better”

Toronto’s rising star AJA has shared her dreamy, soulful new single “Find Better.”

Arriving as a reminder to trust your gut, AJA shares her latest life lesson with perfect poise. Navigating a long-distance relationship is never easy, let alone when you’re 18 years old, but AJA lives and learns. Sharing more, she explained further: 

“I wrote the song about a year and a half ago when I was living in La. I was in the early stages of a toxic relationship that I think I knew deep down it was going nowhere good. It was a long distance relationship. He was supposed to move to LA, but that never happened. Had I known that, I would have never got involved.. Mostly, the song is about staying with someone who you know isn’t right for you.”

“Find Better” is a flawless next move from the Canadian artist on the rise. Still just 19 years old, she’s quickly making her mark as an empowered songwriter and impressive role model, reflected in her multiplying fanbase. Find Better is the follow-up to AJA’s first release of the year ‘If I’m Honest’. Never one to take things lying down, AJA’s razor-sharp songwriting never misses. 

2024 is off to a massive start for AJA. Having only just completed a huge 22-date US tour with the amazing Leah Kate, AJA has just announced that she will be back on the road supporting Charlotte Sands across the UK and Europe. With live performance at the core of her artistry, this latest opportunity looks to be truly unmissable.  

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hey, I’m Aja. I’m a pop artist from Toronto, Canada

You have unveiled your single, “Find Better.” Tell us a bit about the creative process behind the release.

I wrote Find Better over a year ago when I was living in La.  I was dating someone who I knew was totally wrong for me and not really my type.  I initially went into this relationship because I was bored.  I knew it wouldn’t last.  

“Find Better,” delves into the challenges of a toxic relationship, particularly in the context of a long-distance dynamic. How did you approach translating such personal experiences into your songwriting? 

Most of the songs I write are about what I am going through at that time.  It’s always a bit strange when you release songs and that experience seems like it happened so long ago and you’ve moved on.  It’s almost like having to relive that time.  It’s a good thing I’m in a good place now.  When I write about the things I’m going through I am probably most authentic and animated about my emotions, which tend to lead to strong lyrics, in my opinion.  

“Find Better” follows your previous release, “If I’m Honest,” continuing a narrative of self-reflection and growth. Could you share a bit about the thematic continuity between these two tracks?

My last year was a tough year for me emotionally.  I was alone, living in LA, at the age of 18, and was not myself, and stuck in a very toxic long-distance relationship.  I knew it was wrong for me and I blame myself mostly for holding on to it.  I’ve grown and learned a lot from that experience.  I think from a thematic standpoint, my last few releases have really highlighted how wrong I knew this relationship was for me.  I chronicle the details of why I never should have been in this relationship. It lasted way too long and has gotten far more airtime than it deserves.  

As a young artist, how do you balance sharing deeply personal experiences through your music while also maintaining a sense of universality that resonates with listeners from different backgrounds? 

It’s really hard, I am sharing very personal details of what I’ve experienced.  I often have to pause for a minute and think if I’m comfortable sharing these details.  But then I remember that lots of people are struggling with many of the things I’m sharing.  Writing these songs has been therapeutic for me and if I can help someone else get through their tough time, I hope I can help.  I think everyone experiences betrayal in some way.  

You’ve recently completed a substantial tour in the US and are now gearing up to support Charlotte Sands across the UK and Europe.  When can Canadian fans catch you live?

I hope really soon to be able to do a Canadian tour.  I have gotten a bunch of DM’s asking me about it.  I am working on it.  Hopefully, before the year is up.  Would love to do a Canadian tour in the fall.

Reaching 7 million streams on Spotify is a significant milestone. How does it feel to see your music resonate with such a large audience, and what does this achievement mean to you personally? 

I really try not to focus on numbers.  I often think about how this number could either be a lot more or a lot less.   I think that using this metric to describe the success of an artist is not always accurate.  For me, the thing I love most is performing live and seeing the audience singing my songs and coming to say hi after the show and sharing their stories about how my songs have helped them through something they were going through.   

As you continue to evolve as an artist, how do you ensure that you stay true to your authentic self while also exploring new creative avenues and pushing boundaries? 

I think it’s really important to have people on your team that share the same vision and goals.  I have really had to learn to trust my gut.  I have had people tell me certain songs shouldn’t be released and I’ve chosen to listen or release it.  I think it’s really important to stand strong on what you believe in and want to share with the world.  I also think if you wait for perfection or everyone to be on the same page and agree, you’ll struggle to release music.  Different songs are going to connect with different people.  But I also think, sometimes it’s important to take advice and try something that you may not be sure about.  You never know!

What advice would you give to other young musicians who are just starting their journey in the music industry, especially in navigating the challenges of building a career during uncertain times? 

Just create music you love and share them.  Connect with anyone who is listening and build your community.  Don’t stress over numbers or chasing a viral moment.  Focus on building something you are proud of and is sustainable.  Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.  Especially if you are young.  You are evolving and growing.  People may say you don’t know who you are yet, or what your brand is….., no shit you don’t know who you are, no one does.  

Last but not least, what can fans expect from you next in 2024?

I’ve got my next few singles lined up to release and am focussing on putting out an EP.  I am really excited about putting out a body of work.  My writing has also shifted a bit in the sense that I’m turning 20 in April and am no longer in a toxic relationship.  I’m in a good place.  I’m really excited about 2024.

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