Growing Fires
Photo Credit: Ryan Culligan

Growing Fires – Five Questions With

Growing Fires Unveil Their Acoustic EP, All the Same but Different

Growing Fires is an Alternative/Rock band from various parts of Rural Ontario. With a familiar take on what you would expect, Growing Fires sounds reminiscent of a countryside drive accompanied by lifelong friends who enjoy the journey and not just the destination.

Growing Fires have dropped their Acoustic EP All the Same but Different – Recorded in Toronto, Ontario by Anton DeLost (Cleopatrick, Silverstein). Amassing over 100k streams to date the band will be supporting its release with Ontario, and Quebec tour dates.

ATSBD is like a heart-to-heart conversation with each note, each song stripped down to their bare essence creates a personal and intimate dialogue. To the highest of highs and lowest of lows, you resonate with every word. 

First off, care to introduce yourself to our readers?

Growing Fires is an Alternative/Rock band from various parts of Rural Ontario. With a familiar take on what you would expect, Growing Fires sounds reminiscent of a countryside drive accompanied by lifelong friends who enjoy the journey and not just the destination.

Jeremy Farkas singing every note with his heart on his sleeve, brings you into his world like you’ve always been there. On bass is Travis Alguire who supports the rhythm of how he would support a friend in need. Bentley Roy though subtle and often quiet, shines through on lead guitar comparable to a one-line zinger that’ll stay stuck in your head for months at a time. The drums carry each song by Nic Zevenbergen whose happy-go-lucky attitude makes you feel you’ve been best friends for a lifetime within minutes of meeting him.

Growing Fires is a story waiting to be shared, and an experience ready to be had.”

Tell us a bit about your most recent release.

There are a lot of elements to our recordings that don’t get to shine through the final mixes just due to the space drums and extra percussion elements take up. There are very subtle touches of pianos, organs, and other extra instrumentation that give the tracks a different vibe than the full rock and roll arrangement and we wanted to celebrate these three songs in that light. Take Sunshine & Broken Bottles for example, the regular arrangement comes across as angry and angsty whereas the acoustic arrangement brings out the more somber and withdrawn nature of the lyrics.

Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?

We have a few dates upcoming, and more to announce but so far:
The Mansion – Kingston – March 8, 2024
Venue TBA – Ottawa – March 22, 2024
La Maison – Cornwall – April 13, 2024

If given the chance, which Canadian artist would you love to work with in the future?

Working with the Beaches would be unreal. “Blame Brett” has been stuck in my head for months!

What’s your goal for 2024?

Continue to build the Growing Fires community online and at our shows and release some new music!

Connect with Growing Fires:
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