Les Francos
Photos by Marie Demeire / @mariegoestoshows

Arthur H at Les Francos De Montréal

Les Francos
Photos by Marie Demeire / @mariegoestoshows

Les Francos, Montreal QC
Day 4: June 12th, 2023
with Arthur H

After a busy weekend for Les Francos, the festival took a little break tonight, with only one show happening in the Quartier des Spectacles. But a great show nonetheless, with French pianist Arthur H headlining the Studio TD.

The show started bright and early at 7pm, with no opener needed for the Frenchman. In a dark, moody atmosphere, Arthur Higelin (son of legendary 70s singer Jacques Higelin) delivered an intimate set, focused on the music. To the sounds of his piano and a small back-up band, Arthur’s raspy voice won the audience over, although their was not much work needed to do so as he has a very special relationship with the Montreal audience. Indeed, his 2014 album Soleil Dedans was recorded here with local legends Patrick Watson and Frank Lafontaine.

Away from the brightness and loud crowds of the main stages, this small intimate show felt so special, like a much-needed interlude to the madness of Les Francos, with non-stop shows happening all over town every night. It was also the perfect way to start the week, with audiences leaving feeling very relaxed and in a dreamy state of mind.

Arthur H

Les Francos
Les Francos
Les Francos
Les Francos
Les Francos
Les Francos
Les Francos
Les Francos

For more photos of Les Francos, check out our Facebook album!

The 34th edition of Les Francos is taking place in Montreal’s Quartier des Spectacles from June 9-17th, 2023. For the full lineup, tickets, and information on the free shows, visit the festival’s website! To keep track of all the shows, learn more about the artists and build your own schedule, you should also download the Les Francos mobile app, available on Apple and Android.