PRETTY – Five Questions With

Photo Credit: Elijah Shark

Pretty shares their new single, “Wait For The Sun”

Ontario’s Pretty have unveiled their latest single, “Wait For The Sun.”

Pretty are people who appear onstage with lots of noise and then leave. This half-silly, half-serious sentence summarizes the band’s ethic and sound, from their early inspiration from Toronto’s 2010s-era DIY punk scene to their current fascination with psychedelic sound and culture, elements that fuse into a highly distinctive, dark, and frenzied sonic landscape. The band had a busy 2022, recording their second EP and follow-up to their debut album Sertraline Dream (2020); playing headline sets to increasingly large and enthusiastic crowds, and being featured acts for Exclaim! Magazine’s Class of 2022, Canadian Music Week, and Sarnia’s Empty Fest. If you dig getting warped and discovering another side of yourself, you won’t want to miss Pretty.

Torin Craig (vocals) shares, 

“It was winter during a lockdown, and I was living in a pretty bleak apartment, quite literally waiting for the sun to come back in the spring.  The song is about yearning for the end of depression and despair, and trying to hold the memories of better feelings to remind yourself that no matter how bad something is, it will end, or at least change.”

Listen to “Wait For The Sun” below and learn more via our Five Questions With segment.

Care to introduce yourself to our readers?

We’re five people who appear onstage with lots of noise and then leave! Typically in Toronto and the
surrounding area, but we’ll appear wherever people will suffer us. And then leave.

Tell us a bit about your most recent release.

Our newest single is called “Wait for the Sun.” Originally it was written about winter blues and COVID depression – extreme bad times and the hope that they’ll eventually end. Naturally, these themes called for a tie-dye, happy-go-lucky psych-pop accompaniment. But when we were making the music video, we realized that it could also be about waiting for the second coming of Christ (“Wait for the Son”), so in a way, it’s also our breakthrough into Christian rock, which is where the real money in music is made.

Where do you tend to pull inspiration from when writing?

Life, people around us, people around us, and how they make us feel. Sometimes little tunnels of
reality we find ourselves in. You know how it goes.

Do you have any upcoming shows you’d like to tell us about?

We play in Brantford at Two Doors Down on June 3, and we’ll release our EP Citrus Magic at the Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto on July 28. Wait for the Sun itself comes out on April 7. We’ll do a special party for that too.

What’s your goal for 2023?

We’d love to play more shows in more places; festivals, US shows, and Europe shows? Make a follow-up to our LP Sertraline Dream. And find an angel investor (interested parties contact us at

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