King Princess
All Photo Credit: Caroline Charruyer

King Princess in Vancouver, BC – IN PHOTOS

King Princess
All Photo Credit: Caroline Charruyer

King Princess, Gia Metric, Em Beihold
October 21, 2022
Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver, BC
Canadian Beats Passport

On October 21st, King Princess showcased her new album Hold On Baby, at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver, BC.

This day has been a long time coming. King Princess’s last show in Vancouver was in January 2020, and her 2022 tour had to be rescheduled due to her grandmother’s death earlier this year.

American pop singer Em Beihold opened the night with songs from her 2022 EP Egg in the Backseat, including the hit “Numb Little Bug.”

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She was followed by Gia Metric, a Vancouverite drag queen known for her participation in Canada Drag Race Season 2. As Ru Paul would say, she lip-synced for her life and was rewarded by the loud screams of the crowd.

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Right after Gia Metric, King Princess took to the stage and delivered an energetic yet heartfelt set of 21 songs.

She definitely knows how to captivate the audience and interacted many times with the fans closest to the stage throughout the show. Accompanied by her band, she played guitar and keys several times, showing her well-rounded talent as a singer, songwriter, and musician.

One particularity of this tour is that the fans got the opportunity to choose most of the songs on the setlist for their dates. The Vancouver setlist included several songs from her new album and famous hits such as “Talia,” “Hit The Back,” and “Pussy Is God.”

King Princess’s Hold On Baby Tour ends on November 5th in Austin, TX, so catch her if you can!

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For more photos of King Princess, Gia Metric & Em Beihold, head to our Facebook page!