Five Questions With Eunice Keitan

Montreal-born, Toronto-based singer-songwriter Eunice Keitan is back with using the power of song and personal experience to inspire and support those struggling with depression.

She has unveiled a brand new video for her single, “Hope Is A Bird”.

“The song touches on the isolation, thought processes, and fears of a person struggling with their mental health, to the blossoming of hope through the loving support of a community.”

The video for “Hope is a Bird” lands as a relatable, approachable way to put a face to something so many grapple with.

“The concept comes from the idea that depression is a more common experience than most people would imagine,” Keitan empathizes. “Each line of the song is sung by a different person to give the idea that it’s something that effects people from all backgrounds and walks of life.

“It comes full circle in the end, however, since healing and hope also comes from community and the comfort in the shared experience.”

Check out the video below and find out more about Keitan in our Five Questions With segment.

Care to introduce yourself to our readers?

I’m Eunice Keitan, an Indie, R&B, World Singer-Songwriter who is really a punk rocker at heart. I’m a serial DIY-er and will attempt to make and do everything myself (sometimes very unsuccessfully)…I love my hand drill maybe a bit too much. I have an obsession with coffee, the color aquamarine and interesting sounds from around the world.

Tell us a bit about your music and writing style.

I tend to write music with sweet melodies, unique chords and dense layers of harmony. They sound calming and sometimes happy, but at the core, they are often about heavy topics like social issues or battles with personal demons. I write about things that I feel need to be talked about and try to shine a light on it through my songs. I’m one of those musicians that think music can change the world for the better!

Do you have any upcoming shows? For someone who has yet to see you live, how would you explain your live performance?

I’m playing an indie week showcase on Nov 14th. If you are thinking of coming to see a live show expect a soulful, enchanting and thought-provoking experience. Every song has it’s own character and story and I always try to pull the listener closer through the story or through participation in the song itself.

If you were asked to suggest only one of your songs for someone to hear, which would it be?

This is really a hard one as all my songs exist for a reason and each for a different purpose. I think ‘Hope is a Bird’ is the song that saved my life and for that reason, it has a special place in my heart. More importantly, I want it to give hope to many others who might be in the same dark place as I was when writing the song.

Canadian Beats is all about Canadian music, so who are your current favourite Canadian bands/ artists?

I have to say Running Red Lights. I saw them play a couple of years ago at The Gladstone and I was an immediate super fan. They still blow me away every time I see them live because of the quality of their musicianship, stage presence, and songwriting. I always go home inspired and also feeling like I have a lot of homework to do to reach that standard.

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